
This is more-so a quick reference for some basic concepts within Magnus that don't exactly need their own page, mainly because they're explained in the story when needed. This is likely just useful for me as the writer for consistency's sake, but if you need this then I probably messed up.

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The Valen government, as well as a brand name that the Valen use to sell various types of goods under.

Research Outpost

Space stations setup for use by scientists, typically maintained by a government or a company. Usually contains a few labs, some sleeping quarters, a ship bay. Often includes a wider range of sensor arrays than the average station, as well as additional automated security.

Rest Stop

Generally refers to a smaller space station devoted to short-term resting quarters. Often maintained largely by robots, but sometimes has a dedicated, on-site set of cleaning staff.

Space Hub

Massive space stations that are the size of a few city blocks inside, often similar in internal appearance to a large, multi-floor shopping mall. Typically has rentable rooms on most floors, a private security detail, secured ship bay, and plenty of merchants, mechanics, restaurants, and pubs. Sometimes referred to as "space malls."

Space Mall

See Space Hub

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