A friendly race of bats, known for their vegetarian diets, dexterity, and resourcefulness.
Described by many as a race of mechanics, the Nocterra sleep little and work a lot. They're fidgety, tinkery creatures that are almost unnaturally good at logic puzzles and problem solving. Nocterra are generally the first to find flaws in most systems, sometimes the first to exploit those flaws, and almost always the first to work out a fix for those flaws. Some would say they know Valen ships better than Blackwood itself does. There's likely some truth to that - Blackwood has been known to contract the Nocterra for many things, maintenance included.
Their homeplanet is Arbor.
Nocterra are the smallest race in the galaxy, which makes a fair bit of sense considering they evolved from fruit bats. They range from 4'8 to 5'4, most of which sit on the shorter end of the scale. They've evolved to be able to digest most non-meat foods, meat being a notable exception in their diet versus other races. They can still consume proteins via plants, allowing them to become quite a lot stronger than usual on the right diet. They're covered in a short fur and have large ears, although their hearing (and sight) are quite average.
Nocterra are flightless like all other races. They feature leathery hands and feet, the former of which can be quite tough and hold up to a fair bit of abuse. They've got strong arms and are generally very comfortable carrying and lifting heavy objects. You'd never guess from looking at one, though.
Their snouts feature short, blunt fangs that protrude slightly from their upper lips. They certainly aren't sharp enough to cut, let alone puncture skin, but they work perfectly fine on fruits!
Their diet, for whatever reason, results in the Nocterra smelling quite fragrant naturally. They do still bathe, and often do opt for more potent-scented soaps, but rarely smell bad.
Originally named "Nocterra United," this governmental body operates far more similarly to a business than it does an actual government for Arbor. They're known, and somewhat notorious for, their welcoming attitude towards pirates and the less ethical of space-faring folks. This is to the chagrin of many Nocterra still residing on Arbor, but there's little they can do about it.
Lunar Enterprises operates a number of large maintenance stations located on many moons dotted throughout the galaxy. If you need something fixed quick and you don't mind the somewhat shady nature of their business model, Lunar Enterprises is a pretty convenient way to get your stuff fixed. Just don't be too surprised if not every part on your ship is, well, of the best quality afterwards. Great in a pinch, but not much else, especially if you don't want your nicer gear swapped out for defects. Best to keep an eye on the mechanics there.
The people of Arbor are quite caring for one another, and for this reason alone society remains somewhat functional on the surface. Things operate well enough where Nocterra are at least able to leave the planet if they wish, but it's hard to tell if that'll be the case forever.
Despite the rather malicious, selfish, and slimy tactics employed by Lunar Enterprises, the Nocterra as a people are generally pretty ethical. When they're free from the reach of LE, you'll find them to be honest, intelligent, and insightful folk. They're proud of their skills and are always happy to talk pilots through their work, as well as explain anything on their ships they might be lacking a bit of info on.
The Nocterra have proven to be key crew members on many ships, space stations, and more. Their resourcefulness and quick thinking prove to be extremely becoming of life in Magnus. However, not all space-faring Nocterra use their skills for good. There are many historical incidents involving Nocterra utilizing their skills to pull off scams, network exploits, and more. Like anyone else, you should give them your trust with some caution.
Outside of their niches, the Nocterra are far more introverted and can be fairly shy. They're not likely to lead in conversations, but once there's something to talk about they'll tend to join in. They make great friends, are very caring listeners, do a great job at mediating conflict, and are often some of the first to help those who need it.