The Damari

Deer-folk with a surprising appetite for meat. Antler-free and perfectly average.

Damari are a sociable bunch. They're innovators in their own right, but largely within the realm of intergalactic communications and socialization. If you've ever video-called a friend across the Exogrid, it was with tech designed and maintained by the Damari. They're a very friendly people, often starting up conversations with strangers and taking up jobs where they get to talk to strangers on a regular basis.

The Damari's home planet is Malum.


The Damari are most accurately described as, for the most part, two-legged, white-tailed deer. They've evolved to lack hooves and antlers, their hooves replaced with dark-colored nails on their hands and feet paired with black, fleshy palm, finger, foot, and toe pads. Their teeth are also fairly different from the blunt, flora-grinding enamel of their ancestors, taking on a far more canine-like set of chompers as they evolved into omnivores. They're a strange species at first glance, but a fairly practical one.

Their fur patterns are not significantly varied between people, the differences between various Damari being far more subtle than other, more colorful races in the galaxy. However, the differences are easy enough to spot one you've had enough experience in the practice.

Damari range from 5'3 to 6'4, many of the shortest Damari being females and many of the tallest male. They're not the strongest, or nimblest, but they've been known to be difficult to catch up to once they get up to speed - even for a Valen.

The Damari Council

Operating as a central governing body for the planet, The Damari Council presides over all former countries on Malum. They manage galactic trade and commerce, keep peace on the planet, and provide aid and resources to nearby space stations and outposts. Nation-states under the Damari Council follow a general set of basic laws while still operating as their own semi-independent nations. The council does not tax terrestrial trade, but does have strict import and export control and tax on the planet.

All citizens of Malum are free to travel to anywhere they wish in Magnus. Many folks from the planet itself can be seen visiting in bars on the nearby space stations, starting conversations with pilots they may run across and oogling over the prospect of life in space.


Tango is a company on Malum that produces communication equipment for use on the Exogrid. They manufacture cameras, microphones, displays, you name it. Just about anything you could ask for, they make. The Damari are quite prideful in the quality of their products, and just about anything you get under the Tango brand is built to last.

Tango regularly releases new devices, as well as designing and manufacturing custom gear for high-paying customers. Their hardware designs are proprietary, but the firmware's all open and plenty "hackable" for the more tinker-inclined out there. Many pieces of Valen gear are modified pieces of Tango hardware, such as their PDAs.

Culture and Society

The Damari have modest sized families, having shifted from the herd-based life styles of their ancestors into something a bit more conventional. However, they enjoy bustling, social situations. They're extroverts in just about every facet of the term, sometimes to their detriment.

Society on Malum is thriving and well, many of the down-trodden and less fortunate countries on the planet having found new prosperity with the new opportunities intergalactic trade have brought them. Damari have a thriving arts culture, some of the biggest concerts and art museums in Magnus taking up residence on their home planet.

The Damari are a proud and prideful people, often happy to see their own people's technology in such wide use throughout the galaxy. Despite this pride, they're not quick to fight and will most often back down in a dispute if physical threats are made. It's best not to underestimate a Damari in a fight, though, as thorough self-defense training is mandatory for those headed into space.

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